Friday, July 17, 2015

Willow's Dental Care Fund - A Rescue Mare I Took In Needs Help

I just found out today that my newest mare that I adopted in to rescue her from an uncertain future...well, she has a nasty fracture on one of her lower molars. Her veterinary quote for the removal of this tooth and everything that goes with it is at $1,000.00. Unfortunately, this was an extremely unexpected cost to show up. I have just recently graduated college, so my finances are already hit hard from those costs. If anyone can help me through this difficult financial time, I would be extremely thankful!

I am really hoping to help Willow get her painful fractured molar tooth cared for soon, please let me know if you or someone you know can help me out. You are all wonderful people even for simply reading this and giving my beautiful mare and I a chance!

To reach the GoFundMe page where donations, or the sharing of my issue can be located, please click this link:

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Second Quarter Coming to a Close!

I only have two more classes until my second quarter of veterinary technician schooling for my associates degree is completed. I have about 6 more quarters to go, and I have loved the first two so far, so I cannot wait to see what else will be in store.
So far...
~ I can make blood smears
~ I can restrain cats and dogs properly
~ I can bathe and clip nails on cats and dogs
~ I am able to maintain patience around all situations
~ I can evaluate and create gram stains and other microscope evaluations for specimens
~ I understand the ways certain diseases can be diagnosed
~ I know how to properly use the lavender, red, blue, grey, green, and marble top tubes
~ I can properly break and evaluate a hematocrit tube
~ And many more beginning skills
I am very happy that I stayed with my heart and chose this path. I know it will be worth it in the future, and any stress that I get thrown into along the way will be worth it.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Dawg Dayz - Waunakee, WI

There's this place: Dawg Dayz.
I volunteer there once a week and I absolutely love it! Sure, the place looks a little rough, but the care the dogs get while they are there is far better than most places. I have seen daycares or boarding places where the animals don't get to see the light of day or the outside of their cages the whole time they are there, but at Dawg Dayz, even when people can't be enriching the dog's stay, they are in a decently sized area where they can interact, play, and become acquainted with other dogs.
They can be groomed, bathed, taken to the park, played with, and given a chance to nap. This is the kind of place I would have my animals taken to, the quality of the work done there is beyond exceptional.
I am very proud to say I have worked under that roof.