Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Second Quarter Coming to a Close!

I only have two more classes until my second quarter of veterinary technician schooling for my associates degree is completed. I have about 6 more quarters to go, and I have loved the first two so far, so I cannot wait to see what else will be in store.
So far...
~ I can make blood smears
~ I can restrain cats and dogs properly
~ I can bathe and clip nails on cats and dogs
~ I am able to maintain patience around all situations
~ I can evaluate and create gram stains and other microscope evaluations for specimens
~ I understand the ways certain diseases can be diagnosed
~ I know how to properly use the lavender, red, blue, grey, green, and marble top tubes
~ I can properly break and evaluate a hematocrit tube
~ And many more beginning skills
I am very happy that I stayed with my heart and chose this path. I know it will be worth it in the future, and any stress that I get thrown into along the way will be worth it.

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