Thursday, December 5, 2013

Learning the Basics...My First Quarter of Vet Tech School Taught Me:

Canine Restraints:

  • Sternal Recumbency
  • Lateral Recumbency
  • Cephalic Venipuncture
  • Saphenous Venipuncture
  • Jugular Venipuncture
  • Eye or Ear Medication
  • IM Injection or Nail Trim
  • Gauze Muzzle Application
  • Nylon or Leather Muzzle Application
  • Restraint Pole
Feline Restraints:
  • Cephalic Venipuncture
  • Jugular Venipuncture
  • Sternal Recumbency "Cat Press"
  • Lateral Recumbency "Cat Stretch"
  • Gloves, Towels, Cat Bag
  • Feline Muzzle Application
Various Animal Skills:
  • Nail Trims (Feline and Canine)
  • Express Canine Anal Sacs
  • Clean and Medicate Ears (Feline and Canine)

Other Skills:
  • Encage and remove small animals from cages
  • Apply Elizabethan collar
  • Implement sanitation procedures for animal holding and housing areas
  • Ability to obtain objective patient data: temperature, pulse, respiration, and auscultate heart/lungs (Feline and Canine)

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