Thursday, December 5, 2013

Moving Forward...My Second Quarter of Vet Tech School Taught Me:

We re-covered all canine and feline restrains and knocked those skills off the first day. We are improving quickly, our instructor was pleasantly surprised.

In the Lab:

  • Collect Urine Sample (Feline and Canine)
    • collect voided urine sample
  • Perform Urinalysis
    • examine and identify sediment
  • Perform Packed Cell Volume
  • Perform Total Protein
    • capillary tube method
    • plasma method
  • Prepare Blood Films
    • using a variety of techniques
  • Prepare specimens for diagnostic analysis
    • serum and plasma
  • Perform Blood Chemistry Tests
    • pre-anesthetic or general profile BUN
    • glucose
    • common enzymes
  • Perform Microbiologic Procedures/Evaluations:
    • collect representative samples
    • culture bacteria for isolation
    • perform staining procedures (gram stain)
    • culture and identify common dermatophytes
  • Collect, prepare, and evaluate ear cytology (Feline and Canine)

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